wee hiccup Curated by Ana Terry

14 November 2006 - 2 December 2006

Teresa Andrew, Andrew Last, Emily Pauling, Kim Pieters and Rebecca Pilcher, curated by Ana Terry

In the Upper and Darkside Galleries: The artists in wee hiccup employ repetition in their practice through photography, sculpture, and audio visual media. The mode of making and representation is an integral thematically component and correspondingly visible in each of the artist's work. The various forms of repetition engage the viewer cognitively and bodily; we are in awe of the works which embody laborious repetition in their manufacturing while aspects of the video works provide repetition that syncopate with out own internal rhythms.

The works in wee hiccup begin to unhinge the conformity of repetition, subtly or overtly, by disrupting our comprehensions of repetition and its seemingly self-referential loop. 

Click to download the exhibition text (PDF)

Click to read the curator's text (SCOPE 2)

Presented alongside Jason Secto Newmediayouth