Mark Harvey, 2006

Blue Oyster Performance Series 2006 Dunedin Fringe Festival

3 October 2006 - 21 October 2006

"Being relatively new to Dunedin, I have heard many impassioned recounts about events/performances/live art events that have already occurred in a myriad of spaces throughout the city. These previous events are embedded in the art and social history Dunedin continues to be renowned for. Thanks to an immense amount of hard work and risk-taking artists and cultural workers, as well as the consistent development of artist runs paces and collectives, the audience for performance art has been richly cultivated.

"Working directly in the public eye was an essential component for more than one artist in this series. When working outside the safety of the Blue Oyster, artists were increasingly vulnerable to the demands of the translation but also gave the audience more direct interface with the works. In one case, artist Mark Harvey attracted a 'guardian' where a random teenager protected him from interference allowing Harvey to complete his task." - Charlotte Parallel

Click to download the info sheet (PDF)

Sally J. Morgan | Episode 2: Points of Perspective

Avatar Body | Collision Familiar Features and Collision Workshop

Vivien Atkinson | How to Remember and Who Am I - Where Am I?

Ali Bramwell | Under Construction

Steve Carr and Sean Kerr | Camp

Genie Lee | No Mad Nomad

Mark Harvey | Volume 1 and Volume 2

Naomi Lamb | Picturesque

John Borley | Gather

Lisa Benson | Twenty minute spin

Sunday 8 October: Panel Discussion with Emma Bugden, Caro McCaw, Mark Harvey, Adrian Hall, Rob Garret, chaired by Su Ballard