Eva Wuerdinger, Untitled 07, 2009

replace Eva Wuerdinger

11 August 2009 - 2 September 2009

The constitution of space and its development are also central aspects of Eva Wuerdinger’s work. Her series of untitled photographs show neutral territories, vague and undefined spaces, places that are in abeyance or passed by. Her photographs, taken whilst the artist was visiting the South Island, address several issues of the complex social processes that constitute space and question its subsequent alteration in use. But Wuerdinger’s works also consider the disappearance of space, its transparency and the dissolution of spatial constructs. The viewer is kept at a distance from the depictions of spatial realities. Only hints of narration evoke a feeling of ambivalence – a twilight of perception. 

Click to download the exhibition text (PDF)

Presented alongside Martyn Reynolds Samuel Georgia Oscar / Turning back and forth