Anna Muirhead, Polytears, 2010

Polytears Anna Muirhead

20 April 2010 - 15 May 2010

Anna Muirhead carves classical European garden furniture from humble, disposable, cardboard. Gardens and monuments exist as public allegories of the social politic of a particular era. Muirhead has transferred these inherited forms into a contemporary context questioning ideas of value, both material and ideological. Polytears traces shifts in uses of public space, which are now occupied less by grandiose water fountains and more by piles of cardboard recycling.

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Presented alongside Simon Kaan The AsianBryce Galloway Same Same (Incredibly Hot Sex with Hideous People) and a new public artwork Displacement by James Voller. Concerned at different levels with the multifarious construction and performance of identity Kaan, Muirhead and Galloway, through very different mediums, explore the histories, domestic and public circumstances and politics that impact on the construction our lives.