Hopes for the Future Jodie Salmond
Located on the corner of Gowland and Albany Streets, Hopes for the Future is a rare public sculpture brought to you by the Blue Oyster. This temporary off-site installation offers a communal space for reflection.
A Museum of Obsessions Curated by Jodie Dalgleish
Michael Morley, Victoria McIntosh, Angela Lyon, James Robinson, Nigel Bunn, Claire Beynon, Fiona Shaw, Scott Flanagan, Darren Glass, Jeff Henderson, David Clegg, Alex Mackinnon, Ben Pearce, Peter Wegner.
Papillon et Merci et au Revoir Juan James Sydney Simon
For his exhibition Juan James Sydney Simon has shredded and purged himself of every document from his personal life from the last eight years; everything from bills to love letters, everything that makes up the swarm of paper that swirls around modern life.
Never Too Careful Liz Rowe
Liz Rowe has constructed a wall of soap for her project Never Too Careful. Positioned to obstruct the usual path trodden through the gallery, Rowe aims to challenge our perceptions of place and space and especially territorialised notions of identity, belonging and security.
99 Ways to Solve Global Warming Miranda Bellamy
Miranda Bellamy has co-opted the seductive vernacular, decadence and high production values found in advertising for her photographic series 99 Ways to Solve Global Warming.
Drawing (For the Given Value of Drawing)
Drawing (For the Given Value of Drawing) is the product of a year-long endeavour by seven artists: Akiko Diegel, Gabrielle Amodeo, Jill Sorensen, Nell Nutsford, Ryuzo Nishida, Matt Molloy and Rabdeep Singh.
Introduced Birds ffffff
Introduced Birds is an exhibition by the artist collective ffffff involving a series of interlinked environments that conjure up a nervous tension and feeling of barren isolation.
Nature Morte Roger Boyce and Marie-Claire Brehaut
With their work Nature Morte Christchurch based artists Roger Boyce and Marie-Claire Brehaut draw a provocative equivalence between a bedroom methamphetamine lab and an artist's studio.
Bewildering Scheme Joseph Worley
Joe Worley’s Bewildering Scheme covers the walls, floor and ceiling of an entire gallery space with hard edged and angled blocks of colour.
a small metal pin, a piece of rubber, a section of metal pipe with securing nut Melissa Laing
Melissa Laing takes the civil aviation industry as a topical example of modern society’s desperate pursuit for safety assurance.