Blue Oyster Performance Series 2010 Dunedin Fringe Festival
Red River (Katrina Thompson, Max Bellamy), Aerolineas (Storm Gold and Julian Holcroft), Joshua Rutter, Motoko Kikkawa and Kimberly What, Alex Bennett, Full Fucking Moon (Bek Coogan, Torben Tilly).
RE-FIBRA Contemporary Textile Art
Victoria Andersson, Andrea Chandler, Anna Eckert, Jacquelyn Greenbank, Ngahina Hohaia, Malena Karlsson, Genevieve Packer, Jeanette Scharing
2010 Graduate Exhibition Curated by Lauren Gutsell
Debbie Adamson, Gwen Hudson, John Paxie, Alex MacKinnon, Lars Preisser and Jesse Simons.
Expensive Rubbish Aroha Novak & Elise O'Neill
Elise O'Neil and Aroha Novak present handmade military and consumer items which have been constructed from recycled materials in the Upper and Darkside Galleries.
Here, There and Everywhere (We are a Community of Cells) Elspeth Fougere
In the Lower Gallery, Elspeth Fougere's Here, There and Everywhere (We are a Community of Cells) begins with a mass of woollen crochet spirals that evoke a collection of cells.
*/Journey/* Matthew Hammond
In the Upper and Darkside Galleries, Matthew Hammond has chosen to begin simply, with a bus ride through Edinburgh.
Overhead Project (Villa of Mysteries) Hamish Tocher
Hamish Tocher's Overhead Project (Villa of the Mysteries) draws upon the figures, mysterious initiation rituals and crimson hues of the Pompeiian fresco cycle of the Villa of the Mysteries in the Lower Gallery.
Do Not Resuscitate Heather Straka
In the Upper and Darkside Galleries, Heather Straka presents a series of large format photographs, infused with her painterly and gothic style.
Still Occupants Hannah Riley
Working in a variety of media, Hannah Riley toys with the idea of transmuted boundary lines, both physical and social in the Lower Gallery.
Unstable institutional memory: 10 years at the Blue Oyster Curated by Ali Bramwell
Curated by Ali Bramwell, Unstable Institutional Memory: 10 Years at the Blue Oyster uses as a starting point a group of iconic works produced by Hannah Beehre, Steve Carr, Richard Crow & Michael Morley, Julian Dashper, anonymous and Margaret Roberts for the Blue Oyster over the course of its history.